


Accra institute of technology is a renowned university in Ghana, with competent lectures and Good student, environment which is not conducive for learning, you will understand what am saying when it rains during classes or exams. The school as 3 different campuses around Accra but none is favorable for students. Evening students pay the same amount of school fess as the day student which I must say is not fair, Students go to school at 5:00pm and return by 10:00pm which is very risky and has aided an abet in the death, rape and missing of their students, Examination time table is changed 3 days to exams or even when exams are going on.

The university has an online learning system by name lemass but it never gets updated except when results are posted or announcement concerning school fess is posted on the online notice board. The most annoying part of it all is that everything you see on the school site is a scam… the do not have good hostels at all, foreign students pay twice what the local students pay, majority of their lecturers are degree holders and this school is said to be a university, students pay for the so-called Wi-Fi but do not even have access to it. The school Wi-Fi is then transferred to the lecturers who use them to download movies. 

The so called work study students and teaching assistant who are meant to be paid for the services they render are been used as “black African slaves”, the make use of majority of their time in working for the school rather than studying but never get their wages.
The worst is that even security guards have the opportunity to invigilate PhD student during their exams, students get to mark and record scripts of their fellow students, students use their own money to buy markers for teaching, lecturers get to bring their own projectors to lecture which are meant to be provided by lectures, chaii isn’t this grotesque.

The student representative council (SRC) executives who call themselves the voice of the students have been manipulated and denied all their rights in the sense that they cannot access the SRC bank account and they also are treated as normal students.

My candid advice to everyone out there searching for admission especially foreign students is that you should not be enticed by the fact that you are leaving your country or that you are urgently in need of a admission, please make enquiries concerning everything you need to know about the school before you apply, or those of you who keep on transferring from one school to another try to make enquiries as well to avoid future regrets because “not everything that glitters is gold”.

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