
Entertainments Gobe First Of Its Kind

This is the point in which i will say all you party goer's are in the state of party dilemma lol, because three well know entertainments groups from different universities are having their parties on the same day, same time but different venues.
ACE Entertainment all the way from Wisconsin University is presenting a white sensation exclusive white party with iyanya on the 26th of september at Kristal Nite Club.
Posh Entertainment all the way from AIT is presenting an Absolute Nite with kush and queens on the 26th of september at Kahuna Nite Club.
High Spirit Entertainment all the way from BMFI is presenting Knock Out 3 on the 26th of september at Club 45.

So my humble question is why all this parties in one day? so which party go make and which one go flop? hmmmmmmmm my beloved CAB readers drop your comments on the party you will be attending so i can meet you guys there.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lolzzz 3parties �� buh Ace party tho!! I tink dat one catch me shaa iyanya����

campus amebor said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ACE party be winning more pipu cos of iyanya